As we head into the election season, a few random thoughts…
I think that President Biden’s State of the Union address accomplished everything that he needed it to as he begins his quest for re-election. He touted his administration’s accomplishments, listing all the progress that is not being reported for some reason and, that allows the Republicans to create a false narrative. This includes the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, wage increases, inflation dropping, the avoidance of a recession, the dropping of the crime rate, massive job creation, the forgiveness of some student loan debt, the rebuilding of some of the country’s infrastructure, record stock market gains and, due to the continuation of the Affordable Care Act, more Americans with medical insurance than ever before.
His energy and vitality were on full display after months of right-wing spin portraying him as a walking corpse because of his age. He was sharp, forceful, and effectively dealt with his detractors. He did have a few stumbles and stutters, but if you’ve followed Joe Biden over the years, you know that he done that on occasion throughout his political career.
I love how he told the Supreme Court off to their faces over the reversal of Roe v. Wade and reproductive rights.
I’m also glad that he addressed hate speech, political violence, extremism, and January 6.
I think that he made a mistake engaging with Marjorie Taylor Greene. It caused him to make his one huge error of the night: referring to undocumented residents by the dehumanizing term, “illegals”.
There’s hardly a day that goes by that Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn’t remind us that she’s a disgrace to the United States Congress. From heckling the President during the SOTU to breaking House rules by wearing campaign attire in that setting, she seems to go out of her way to come off as classless trash. You can disagree with people across the aisle without stooping to her antics.
I also watched the Republican response delivered by Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt. Five words: What the hell was that???
Britt was apparently chosen for the task because the GOP has a problem attracting women. The GOP spin doctors thought that having a young mother give the speech would help them connect with female voters. So, they have her deliver her speech from the kitchen???
She’s young and very telegenic, but the acting… the Joker-like smile followed by teetering on the verge of tears, the breathy warnings of doom gloom and American carnage. I felt like I was watching a bad daytime soap.
How can Britt claim to be so concerned about sex trafficking and rape when her party is forcing 10-year-olds to carry their rapist’s babies to term and chosen a man found to be a sexual predator by a New York jury as its standard bearer?
Britt basically took Donald Trump’s lies about undocumented people being rapists and murderers, put a dress and lipstick on it and put it in a Donna Reed Show setting. Did this actually change the minds of any women voters? Seriously?
And, for the record, statistics show that the undocumented are far less likely to commit crimes than native born Americans. Look it up.
I also love how Britt proclaimed that her party supports IVF. Now.
I can’t wait to see the cold open on SNL tomorrow night.
At what point do people who are in a cult realize, “Hey, I’m in a cult”?
What is with the GOP dusting off Ronald Reagan’s old line, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” In 2020, we were locked in our houses watching footage of Covid-ravaged bodies piled outside of jam-packed hospitals and morgues. Four years ago, I heard a guy say that we could fight Covid by ingesting Clorox and taking horse de-wormer. Yeah, I’d say we’re better off.
All that and, George Santos announced his candidacy for the House of Representatives.
It's going to be a long 8 months until November.